BlackMagic Design – Ultimatte Smart Remote 4


Ultimatte Smart Remote 4

Control up to 8 Ultimatte units with one remote!

Ultimatte Smart Remote 4 is a touchscreen remote that connects via Ethernet to control Ultimatte 12. It can be used on the desktop or rack mounted with other equipment. Up to eight Ultimatte 12 units can be daisy chained together and connected to the same Smart Remote, so you don’t have to worry about adding a video router or hub! Smart Remote 4 features physical buttons so you can switch and control any attached Ultimatte 12. There are also buttons for quickly loading and saving presets, along with a touchscreen that gives you total control over every parameter. It’s easy to design your own custom control solutions for Ultimatte 12 because it uses a simple, open text based protocol. You can even Telnet into Ultimatte 12 over your network, so you can develop and test custom control solutions.


BLACKMAGIC Ultimatte Smart Remote Control

The Smart Remote 4 controls up to 8 unit id numbers of Ultimatte-12 via Ethernet or up to 8 unit id numbers of Ultimatte-11/Ultimatte-500 via RS485. Its larger display area and adjustable stand, along with brightness controls for both display and button illuminations, makes the operation user-friendly. With “Monitor Out Views” accessible from every menu, Smart Remote 4 provides the fastest and easiest navigation for every operator.