Murideo – Six G Generator



The Murideo SIX-G is for the AV integration market to confirm HDMI 2.0(a) and HDCP 2.2 operation at the 18 Gbps level. Additionally, the SIX-G is an excellent troubleshooting tool for distributed HDMI systems and a reference source for video calibration and is compatible with CalMAN.

One of the biggest challenges for integrators today is determining what infrastructure to put in the systems they design and further verifying that all of the components will work together. Over the past few years UHD TVs have been a mix of HDCP 2.2 and 1.4 – even to the point of varying by port.

The SIX-G takes out the guess work and provides absolute information about HDMI components that will work and IDs ones that won’t work – all in a hand-held, affordable, portable field tool.

The SIX-G is designed to be extremely accessible shipping with free control software, plus front panel controls that allow access to 99% of the features.

The SIX-G is the only unit to carry the complete suite of ISF test patterns, select-able color output level, RGB Triplets and Constant APL (Average Picture Level) all in one place, making it a calibrators dream.

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